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Green Plumbing Tip #1 – Fix any leaky faucets in your home. Did you know that a leaky faucet can waste more than twenty gallons of water every day it is left leaking? If you have any leaky faucets in your home, get them fixed right away. You should also consider having a plumber come in to check for leaks in your pipes, toilets or sinks. Fixing leaks is not just good for the environment, it is good for your bank account – you will save a lot on your water bills!

Green Plumbing Tip #2 – Install low-flow, high efficiency toilets. If you are ready to put in a new toilet in your home, make sure it is a low-flow, high efficiency model. This will save you a lot of water, which will also cut your water bills and save you money. Many toilets even have a dual flush feature which lets the flusher choose between a half flush and a full flush. In a country like Israel, with very scarce water supplies, these dual flush toilets are standard because they save so much water.

Green Plumbing Tip #3 – Upgrade your water heater. Water heaters are an important part of your home’s water and plumbing system, so make sure you have a good one. According to, “Tankless water heaters are the rising stars in water heaters. They have gained a lot of popularity in the past few years and continue to work well in warmer regions of the U.S. such as in Phoenix and Miami. Unlike traditional water tank heaters which constantly heat your hot water, tankless heaters save energy by heating only the water that you need. Can you imagine the savings with a tankless heater? In fact, you don’t have to imagine because it is estimated that tankless water heaters can reduce your energy costs by up to 40-50%.”

Green Plumbing Tip #4 – Buy a Brita pitcher. A Brita is a great product for your home and your home plumbing. You do not need to waste your money on bottled water. The bottles fill landfills all over the world, wasting space and hurting the planet. Instead of buying bottled water, buy a Brita and use your tap water to fill it. Buy a reusable bottle so that you can have water on the go. Keep it in the fridge so that you always have a cold bottle of water handy.

Green Plumbing Tip #5 – Be a green gardener. If you have a garden, make sure you are smart about the way you water it. Do not use excessive amounts of water; it is wasteful and bad for your plants. There are several effective, water saving methods. You can get a drip irrigation system, which is used all over the world especially in very dry, Third World countries with large swaths of desert and little water. If you are not ready to go so high tech, try watering your lawn in the evening with a good soak, instead of sporadically during the day.

Green Plumbing Tip #6 – Lower the temperature on your hot water heater. Your hot water heater is probably kept at a much higher temperature than it needs to be. It should be no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit – anything higher just eats up excess energy, driving up your bills, and harming the planet. You should also make sure your hot water heater is insulated.

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